Success Stories

Email progress report for client from her teacher:

Hi mom. I just wanted you to know that your child’s lexile level jumped from 459 this fall to 804 today for Reading! She has jumped more than any kid I have ever worked with in my 28 years! She is almost at grade level (around 900 for 6th grade)! This is only one assessment, but it seems pretty accurate. Just wanted to let you know.

~ Child’s Teacher

In all the years I have been going to Sano, I never cease being impressed by the humble and loving way they work with their clients; it goes beyond anything I have ever encountered! I was told I would have less than 5 years to live if I didn’t pursue chemo treatment, that was simply not true. When the side effects began stressing my body to an extent that couldn’t be tolerated, even the lowest dose was detrimental to my health – I thought I had no other options. I want to thank all of Sano; Dr. Christine and the staff I’ve worked with that have blessed me spiritually, physically, and emotionally. The Sano family has been a constant part of supporting my healing and my fight to overcome CLL. I have utilized stress reduction therapies at Sano, and I am blessed to be healing and thriving! This has been a path of determination and commitment, hope and healing, growing and learning in all aspects of my life. So thankful, grateful and so very very blessed by Sano and their extended team of practitioners led by Father God, who I believe is the foundation of these amazing places of health, wellness and healing. My family and I thank you all so very much for the outstanding care that has allowed me to thrive!

~ Shelly A.

I had been having pain in my Sciatic nerve for multiple weeks, especially while playing sports. After visiting Dr. Christine at Sano Wellness Center, I stopped having pain, and could get back into my sports. Extremely thankful.

UPDATE: I can’t thank you enough. Despite my follow up email awhile ago, I’ve kept up with the Vegas nerve exercises, and I’ve been feeling great. My bench press jumped from 145 max to 175 max in the matter of weeks. Thank you so much.

~ Caleb

My progress has come so far for me mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I started my appointments with severe depression, no motivation, and not a super willing attitude to get better because I thought it wasn’t even worth it. My journey through Sano has really lifted my spirits and made me feel better about myself. Before I wasn’t sure if I would ever get better. I had a lot of physical and mental problems that I didn’t really know how to resolve on my own, but after my appointments I am feeling much better mentally and physically. My spiritual well being is stronger than it was before I started at Sano. I truly am thankful for the opportunity to revamp my mental health and make me feel better on the inside and out. Sometimes it is hard to talk about my specific problems to people because they have never been put in my position. I don’t talk about it for pity, but I talk about it because my progress is more than I ever thought it would be. I can give a big shout out to Angie and Dr. Christine for always making sure I was always positive about myself. They are a big part of my progress that if I didn’t have them in my life now, I don’t think I would be anywhere close to where I am now. A lot of my progress is mental and at the beginning I didn’t really have an interest in bettering myself. Thank you Sano for having my back in all of this and never giving up on me.

~ Hannah

Our daughter has suffered concussion syndrome for the past few years, and recently she had a gymnastics accident that set her back physically, spiritually and emotionally. When I first reached out to Sano Wellness, I was in tears. I felt so helpless, yet I was greeted by Becky with care, compassion and a desire to help. When we arrived at Sano and met with Angie and Dr. Christine, we felt that our daughter could benefit from the services that were being offered and we were excited to move forward with the care plan laid out for her, which included not only physical but mental and spiritual healing as well. Following our daughter’s first appointment with Dr. Christine, I felt that she had a spiritual breakthrough. As we were driving home, she said, “Mom my heart feels different.” I noticed that some of the heaviness was gone, and she had renewed hope. We continued to go to Sano regularly for Neurofeedback/Pod sessions along with herbal supplements. Our daughter has continued to make progress to a point where she is happy, hopeful and engaged in regular activities again. As parents, we are so thankful and would recommend Sano to anyone seeking natural healing. We are so happy to have our daughter back!

~ Kelli

Christine has been our doctor for several years. She has helped me with severe hormone imbalance, leaky gut syndrome, allergies and has identified emotional triggers to physical problems. We were able to remove the emotional issues with prayer, the physical issues with supplements and new technology—sometimes with just one therapy session. My husband has also been helped with issues relating to blood pressure and blood sugar and through removing emotional triggers, and/or supplements have come into normal range. We have great confidence in Christine’s knowledge and abilities, but most of all in her spiritual discernment to get to the core issues.

~ Dick and Mary

Over the course of three years I’ve had chronic issues with my teeth. I was told by my dentist that a standard dental surgical procedure would take the pain away and resolve the issue, so I did it. As it turns out, after surgery the pain not only got progressively worse, but I was unable to open my jaw. I felt led to call Dr. Stueve to see if she could help, and she graciously fit me into her schedule immediately. Christine checked me and determined it was a nerve issue. She prayed with me and did a laser therapy. Within 90 seconds, I was able to fully open my jaw comfortably and woke up the next day 100% pain free. I was the recipient of a miracle healing that day, and I am so grateful for Christine and the work she does at Sano Wellness Center.

~ Carrie

Doctor Stueve’s book Dust to Diamonds takes you through a journey of spiritual bondage undoubtedly conquered by faith in Christ, but what a journey it was!  From abuse to breast cancer and countless disappointments in between, Dr. Stueve’s book is relatable to millions of people suffering through similarly perilous situations.  But, hopelessness is not where this journey ends.  Be inspired as you read on and experience the unfolding of God’s divine plan for Dr. Stueve’s life and how she has helped to empower and impart God’s truth through word and deed, turning her dust to diamonds for the benefit of others.

Doctor Christine Stueve has a gift; a gift of truly enhancing a person’s life to attain supreme health.  As a Doctor of Pastoral Science and Medicine and Traditional Doctor of Naturopathy, Dr. Stueve focuses not only on physical health, but also on one’s mental, emotional and spiritual well-being from a Christian standpoint.  I personally have experienced Dr. Stueve’s intuit ability to understand the mind-body-spirit connection to provide a comprehensive care plan. With her consideration for our body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health, she is an exemplary choice for assisting a number of my chiropractic patients as well.  She empowers her clients by sharing with them knowledge that the mind-body connection can create disease, but the mind-body-spirit connection can restore health. This truth – God’s truth – and its application can set you free to live a life full of health, peace and joy. 

~ Todd

I am amazed at how my emotions changed COMPLETELY 360 degrees when I was in your office Monday.  From heartache, shame, remorse, over thinking to freedom, happiness, self acceptance, loved.  Praise God! 

God bless you and your ministry.

~ Margaret

Just wanted to let you know that my back has been amazing lately so thank you!! As for Paxton, he has had 3 normal stools as in normal paste like baby stool, which he has never had before in the past 7 months of his little life!!! So thank you to you and to God for helping his little tummy!  



God is using Christine in my life.  I was very sick and had no life.  I was not sleeping, had anxiety and was depressed.  Even though I always walked with God, I was trapped in fear.  Christine understood what I was walking through; patterns of crisis after crisis since I was born. Her work opened my eyes to that I could live differently and get out of dysfunction. She’s shown me a path to walk with the Lord to a whole new set of freedoms.  

~ Lisa

We grow and learn from all we go through. I am a better person for it. With Christine’s assistance and with the promises of God, I found the strength and encouragement to mend; as well as to love and forgive which provides recovery in all parts of my being. All of this has happened through the people God has put in my life’s path, past, present and I am sure will help in my future. All things with God are possible and a little help from Christine. 

~ Rochelle


For the past 6 years, Christine has shared her knowledge of self-defense and making healthy choices with our Hope for Tomorrow 8th grade mentees. In keeping with our mission to help young people create individual road maps for their future by providing life skills through mentoring partnerships, Christine offers a truly impactful life lesson as she shares the story of her youth and what has led her to being dedicated to helping young women realize their value; understanding how to protect themselves if necessary and to respect themselves and stay fit throughout life. 

Christine is passionate about empowering young women to reach their full potential through building self confidence.

~ Hope For Tomorrow,


Stop Smoking Biomeridian Program – I no longer smoke. I smoked for 40 years and for the last 30 years have been trying to quit. I’ve used gum, lozenges, prescription cessation meds, drops, hypnosis, counseling, e-cigs, and anything they sold that claimed I could quit. Today is day 10 for me. I’ve never gone this long without a cigarette and I have no cravings. I have a new life and wish I had known about this program before.  God did not want me to smoke and Christine showed me how to get out of this destructive, dirty behavior. Thank You!! 

~ Mike 


While working with Christine over the past 1 1/2 years we have noticed a dramatic change in our health, emotional well-being and many ailments that we have struggled with for 10+ years. We are continuing to learn to place our trust in God to help our bodies and minds to mend and to function the way that He created. 

~ Kathy 


After several months most of the physical injuries I had sustained in the auto accident had healed, but my headaches/brain fog persisted.  The way my head felt was like a roller coaster ride, feeling good one day and struggling the next.  After getting my adrenals functioning at a high level again, Christine began working to get to the bottom of my brain fog. I am in the process of going through a detox program and taking specific supplements to boost my neurological system. Over the past two months I have noticed that my roller coaster ride has leveled off! I don’t hit the lows like I did before which is very exciting for me! My work with Christine at Sano Wellness Center is not finished, and with each appointment Christine digs a little deeper, and I get a little better. I am impressed with her ability to understand how the body works, what is going on with me and my state of health, and her ability to know what to do to promote improvement. I believe God has provided everything on this earth we need to live healthy, vibrant lives. I also believe God uses people to do His work and provides them with the tools to do it. Sano Wellness Center is a place where God is at work. 

~ Mark 


Christine had a very painful past. Yet, instead of letting that pain define her, she has become a stronger individual. Christine is a powerful speaker and when she shares her story people listen. Her words are spoken with intense feeling and emotion. She is a wonderful role model to the young women in my classroom.

~ Jennifer, Woodbury High School


I came to see Christine as “a last resort” to avoid the Endocrinologist removing my thyroid gland.  I’m so glad I didn’t remove it as it turns out there was nothing wrong with it.  In the course of the last year, I have dealt with the root of many symptoms so that my body could begin to function properly on its own.  I take no medications and minimal supplements.  Along the way I have gotten so much more emotionally and spiritually balanced and healthy and am in tune with my own wellbeing.  God was so gracious to direct me to this path of recovery and I am so grateful to have met Christine. 

~ Megan 


My dear friend, Christine, is a true testimony of how God created us – mind, body and spirit. When we receive Christ as our personal Savior we receive the greatest gift. It is then we are able to walk in the Spirit, yielding to Him daily and allowing Him to work through us is vitally important to our physical, emotional and mental well-being. When we surrender our mind to Christ and focus on Him we can truly walk in freedom from fear…and all the ways fear manifests itself. Christine, through her own life experiences, has taught me so much about how the body is designed to repair if you get to the root of the issue and the body is given the right support. That support can be emotional, spiritual, physical – through the food we eat and the supplements/herbs we take or energetic in nature. I am so thankful to Christine for how she has walked with the Lord, sought His face and listened to his voice. She has helped me and my family mend in many ways and is an inspiration to so many. I pray her story blesses you and you feel the redemptive power of the mighty God we serve. 

~ Michelle 


I have been seeing Christine for about 9 months. I thought I was going to see her to get rid of the wart problem I had.  Little did I know these treatments would not just help my warts, but also my spiritual, emotional and daily life. 

Using the methods and practice of homeopathic, mixed with God’s intercession was the best thing that I have done in sense of seeing doctors. Learning that my warts where not just a physical problem, but they were also tied to strongholds and root issues that were going on in my life spiritually for a long time. It was just nice to see a doctor who cared enough to get to the root issue of my physical problem instead of just to stopping the symptom of the problem. For instance, I saw a dermatologist twice and all that doctor did was freeze my warts off.  No questions were asked about what is going on in my life.  There was no attempt to find out why I had warts in the first place.  The methods Christine Stueve choose were just the thing I needed.  

~ Drew 


“For the first time in a long time, I feel hope.” Those were the words I shared with Christine after my first meeting with her. Since then, I have received and continue to receive life-giving truth that is bringing recovery to a wounded heart. The truth-God’s truth- has done what no other “method” could do- bring complete transformation. I am eternally grateful to the Lord for giving Christine these godly insights. I am equally grateful that she is so willing to share what He has given with a very hurting world. She is a delight to be around and full of the Lord’s presence and wisdom. I pray He will continue to bless her ministry and use her for His glory alone.” 

~ Karen 


“Secondly I wanted to mention that since my last visit I’ve been sleeping awesome.  I don’t wake up till maybe 3 in the morning, just to roll over on my other side, fall back a sleep, then I usually wake again and roll back to my original side, then wake up at 6:00 or so and I’m ready to get up.  I still lay there and stretch but I’m awake and refreshed.  I can have a great quiet time with the Lord and go to work and not yawn all day.  A few nights we’ve not gotten to bed until after 11:00 almost 12:00 and pretty much the same story… maybe sleep till 6:30, maybe yawn once or twice during the day but nothing like before.  Pretty incredible!!” 

~ Rich

 I feel like a million bucks!! I haven’t gotten as good of sleep nor have I woken up feeling refreshed as I have in the past few days! I also had an ongoing uneasy feeling in my stomach that I haven’t felt in the past two days! Thank you so much, your work is amazing! 🙂 

~ Vanessa


While on an elimination diet to repair my leaky gut, Christine helped me balance my hormones and strengthen my adrenals. I now have easier monthly cycles and handle stress much better. She also helped me get to the root of a skin cancer issue that manifested itself on my back.  The basal cells on my back are now gone without having to surgically remove them.  By supporting my immune system with stress reduction technology and the proper supplements, my body was able to kill off skin cancer cells, break them down and remove them from my body therefore eliminating the cancer cells on my back.  I have seen many benefits from stress reduction therapy technology and in supporting my brain and immune system with proper diet and supplementation.  I finally feel balanced after many years of feeling like I was on a roller coaster.  

~ Michelle  


I just wanted to thank you for your professional help/ministry yesterday.  I continue to be amazed at who/what/how God uses people and things to bring forth the recovery that Christ died and rose again for in my life.  I feel so safe, protected and loved when I come to see you all.  I know that is because of God’s presence there, but I also believe it is because all of you practice surrendering to Him and calling upon His name for all that you do for Him.  Thank you for your obedience to Him; and I benefit from the overflow of that obedience!   

~ Pat