What Is Neurofeedback Training?

Numerous studies show that balanced brainwave distribution can be directly related to improved mental health and cognitive efficiency. When individuals train their brain, much like learning a new task, they become more resilient to daily stressors and increase their performance and productivity.

How Does Neurofeedback Improve Brainwave Distribution?

Neurofeedback is designed to support healthy brainwaves as opposed to imbalances, which can cause unwanted symptoms such as anxiety, inattention, and insomnia to name a few. To start, small sensors are lightly placed on your scalp. These sensors will monitor your brainwave output in real time during your training session. A typical training session is 30-60 minutes long, easy, and pleasant. You simply watch a calming movie or video, or listen to soothing music, sit back, and relax.

While the computer assesses your brainwaves, it uses this real-time data to change the audio and visual inputs from the movie you are watching. You would experience a dimming of the video and a decreased sound. These feedback signals are directly related to your brainwave generation. Getting anxious thoughts?  There may be too much Beta energy. The movie dims, and your brain slows down in response.

Losing focus? There may be too much Delta brainwave energy. The inputs change, and your brain returns to focus. The process is painless but highly effective at creating changes in brainwave patterns.

The assessments are high-speed – milliseconds in time. As a result, you will receive hundreds of minor feedback support signals during a typical 30-60 minute training session.

A Balanced Brain = Better Mental Health

This training process is a method of learning called operant conditioning.  It is natural and can safely support brain detox. Throughout multiple sessions, the brain develops new, healthier neural pathways that allow it to function in a more balanced way.

Neurofeedback Is Supported by Proven Research.

Neurofeedback has been around since the 1960s. There are decades of research and case studies documenting its effectiveness in improving brain balance. Advances in technology have made it possible for practitioners to easily utilize neurofeedback in their center and, recently, even in your own home!

Neurofeedback Can Support With the Following Conditions

Find Out How Neurofeedback Can Support You!

Ready to learn more? Sano Wellness Center, located in Lakeville, Minnesota, has been offering access to neurofeedback for years. Contact us or call us at 952-681-2916 to set up an appointment for a complimentary new client consultation.