Depression Support with Neurofeedback

Depression can change the way you feel about every aspect of your life. The constant dread often interferes with your daily function in everything from relationships to your job and family life. Unfortunately, depression is all too common affecting 21 million people each year according to Mental Health America.  Depression is frequently linked to anxiety as well.

Neurofeedback Can Support Depression Where It Starts – The Brain

Depression can be directly associated with brainwave imbalances due to unresolved trauma and stress in different areas of the brain. In a typical case, the frontal areas of the brain are asymmetrically activated, causing clients to exhibit symptoms such as sadness, loss of motivation, lethargy, and sometimes sleeplessness as well. With neurofeedback training, we can help your brain come back into balance. Training with neurofeedback can naturally improve blood flow and balance activation levels in the brain, possibly improving depression symptoms in the long term.

Sessions Are Relaxing and Enjoyable

What can you expect during a neurofeedback session? A typical training session takes 30-60 minutes and is both pleasant and relaxing. You get to sit comfortably either watching a video, movie, or listening to soothing music. While training, two to four small sensors are lightly placed on your scalp. This allows us to assess your brainwaves during the training session. These assessments provide us with immediate feedback on how the brain is responding. From there, the video and audio inputs vary based on your actual brain activity in real-time.

We Help Your Brain Create New, Healthier Patterns of Communication

Neurofeedback training helps your brain create new, improved neuropathways. The new neuropathways keep the brain active and balanced, allowing for clearer communication, which can increase positive emotions. The training works using a process known as operant conditioning. This is a natural activity your brain uses to learn any new skill, such as riding a bike. And, just like that skill, the new, healthier pathways may remain for a lifetime.

Find Out If Neurofeedback Is Right For You

Our Lakeville, Minnesota-based wellness center, Sano Wellness Center, has been offering neurofeedback for years. If you’re ready to explore how neurofeedback training can help you or someone you care about, contact us or call us at 952-681-2916 for a complimentary new client consultation.

Conditions Neurofeedback Supports