Can Neurofeedback Support Trauma Resolution?

Most people think of trauma as a serious injury to the body, either physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, relationally, or chemically. Commonly recognized traumas are usually associated with physical violence, an accident, long or short-term abuse, combat, rape, a health diagnosis or severe, acute or chronic emotional and/or mental distress. These experiences often result in debilitating or uncontrollable symptoms such as severe anxiety, PTSD, insomnia, panic disorders, and autoimmune reactions, including cancer, and chronic pain.

Everyone Reacts Differently

Neurologically, anything stressful or patterns of negative thought response to life (negative daily narrative) left unresolved can serve as a form of trauma. Chronic hopelessness, fear, and negative beliefs can be just as devastating as an acute event.

We are a product of our bloodline genetic expressions and upbringing environment that, in turn, collide positively and/or negatively with our individual personalities and thought patterns. This is why ten people can witness the same event, and there will be ten unique responses.

Resolving acute and/or chronic trauma patterns enables the brain and body to heal fully on all levels. Each cell contains cell memory accumulated from frequency input through your five senses. This is a key factor in the body’s innate communication systems.

Neurological Hijacking

Daily functions such as detox, heartbeat, and breathing occur by the autonomic nervous system transmitting the communication signals. Hijacking is a term used to describe the brain and nervous system inappropriately switching to fight-or-flight or rest-and-digest modes. The state of chronic fight-or-flight can create stress and panic patterns from stronghold roots of fear as transmitted through the vagus nerve, which controls many critical functions, including the body’s response to fight-or-flight.

Addressing all of the pattern elements and training the brain and body into truth stops the neurological hijacking. This creates new neural pathways that enable the body to resolve stress and can, in tandem, create healthy cellular communication. The side effects of acute and complex trauma can then be more easily managed.

Trauma Resolution through Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is instrumental as a tool to effectively support trauma resolution on all levels. Sano Wellness Center’s customized approach helps our clients move forward out of trauma patterns and achieve a higher quality of life in freedom, joy and lightness.

For further information about the effects of trauma and stress recovery with the help of neurofeedback, contact Sano Wellness Center in Lakeville, Minnesota. Our experienced practitioners look forward to meeting you. Please call us at 925-681-2916.

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